Fany Carolina
Fany was introduced to Shamanic practice by Leo Artese. She has a degree in Psychology and she conducts with Leo the following ceremonies: Ritos da Tenda-da-Lua (Ritual of the Tent of the Moon), Tenda-do-Suor (Sweat Lodge), Cerimônias da Mãe-Terra (ceremony of Mother Earth), as well as the course the Jornadas Xamânicas, the project: Progetto Xamanismo para Crianças (Shamanism for children) and the: Rodas de Iniciaçao nel Centro de Estudos Voo da Águia.
She teaches workshop of Filtros dos Sonhos (Dream-catching) e Rodas do Sagrado Feminino. During her initiation she received the Medicina della Mulher-Aranha and of the Camaleonte (Medicament of the spider woman and of the Chameleon) which inspire her shamanic work. She is also organizer of the Jornadas Xamanicas Voo da Águia, in Brazil and Europe.